The Ultimate Resource For Parents Of Preschoolers

Want to teach your preschooler but just don't know where to get started?

Download our FREE Preschool At Home Starter Kit and I'll send

you some helpful resources to get you going in the right direction!

There are 3 main challenges that keep preschool parents from teaching their child...

Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem 1

You have no idea what your

preschooler should be learning.

Problem 2

You're overwhelmed by the amount of ideas to try and supplies to buy.

Problem 3

You think you need a degree or experience to teach.

The good news is,
I can help!

Hi, my name is Melissa!

I'm a preschool teacher, wife, mom of two, and lover of tacos! 🌮

I'm passionate about making sure every child feels confident going in to school. And while that all sounds great, I do understand that while many may want to help prepare their child for kindergarten, they just don't understand where to get started!
In fact, I myself was so overwhelmed with all the conflicting opinions, ideas, craft suggestions and potential learning tools to buy. I thought I needed it all! I was so worried that if I missed one thing my son might be the ONLY child who didn't know something, and it would reflect poorly on me as his parent/teacher. I now know that's not true, but that's what I thought. 🤷🏽‍♀️
When I began teaching my son from home using the experience gained while working in a large childcare facility, I realized we could do a lot with the supplies we already had, helping him to stay engaged while learning through play-based activities.
Since then I've been able to efficiently prepare my son for kindergarten, as well as countless others, and you can too! How? Because I've created a method that helps parents feel confident in teaching their preschoolers, and I'm ready to share it!

Get expert tips for giving your

preschooler a strong foundation!

I'm handing over my proven method that helps

make preschool prep






You'll learn the importance of learning in these preschool years,

giving you motivation and direction to do what you

need to do to prepare them.

What Others Are Saying...


"I really enjoyed how easy the videos were to follow. They had some great information and I really enjoyed trying out the ideas Melissa suggested"


"I was so worried my son was going to go to school behind, I just didn't know what the heck to start with! After watching the course I had such a better understanding of what my son actually needed, definitely helped steer me in the right direction to get him ready for school!"


"Wow, there are so many things I hadn't thought of to get my son ready for school. Thanks for the tips!"

Help your child learn life skills while

having fun together!

Unlock your child's full potential with home-based preschool education. Give them the gift of personalized attention, flexible schedules, and a safe learning environment!

Stop wasting your time researching

and planning!

You no longer have to waste precious time searching the internet for activities and teaching materials.

Let us do the work for you!

With our expertly curated lesson plans, complete with step by step tutorials and daily supply lists, you'll have more quality time to spend with your little one(s).

Here’s the truth:

Our children are going to

grow up no matter what we do.

If you want to help them build the foundation of skills necessary to be

successful in school and really, in life, then it's time to make a decision...

Are you ready to stop wasting your

precious resources of time and money

and focus only on what is necessary?

If so, get instant access today to the guidance and tools you need to

help your child learn and grow.

Sign up below for your FREE
Preschool At Home Starter Kit ⬇️

Empower Your Preschooler For A Lifetime Of Success!

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